Friday, 6 January 2012

Berger & Montague, P.C. Files a Shareholder Derivative Suit Against Isramco, Inc. and its Officers and Directors.

Berger & Montague, P.C. Files a Shareholder Derivative Suit Against Isramco, Inc. and its Officers and Directors.

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PHILADELPHIA, April 28 /PRNewswire/ -- The law firm of Berger & Montague, P.C. has filed a shareholder derivative action A lawsuit brought by a shareholder of a corporation on its behalf to enforce or defend a legal right or claim, which the corporation has failed to do.

A derivative action, more popularly known as a Stockholder's Derivative Suit, is derived from the primary right of the
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Isramco, Inc. is a Delaware corporation that engages in the acquisition, development, production and exploration of oil and natural gas properties in the United States, and previously engaged in such activities in Israel. The complaint alleges that Isramco and its officers and directors engaged in transactions that were grossly unfair and breached the Director Defendants' fiduciary duties to the corporation by permitting undisclosed self-dealing transactions with Defendants Tsuff, Maimon and entities they controlled.

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As a result of the Defendants' Haim Tsuff, Jackob Maimon, Max Pridgeon, Michelle R. Cinnamon Flores, Marc E. Kalton, Frans Sluiter, Naphtha naphtha (năp`thə, năf`–), term usually restricted to a class of colorless, volatile, flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. Israel Petroleum Corp. Ltd., I.O.C. Israel Oil Company Ltd., Isramco Oil & Gas, Ltd., J.O.E.L. - Jerusalem Oil Exploration Ltd., Chesney Estates, Ltd., and Goodrich Global, Ltd., B.V.I. actions, the Company has sustained substantial damages.

The complaint alleges that the Director Defendants who had a fiduciary duty to act in furtherance of the best interests of the Company and its shareholders so as to benefit all shareholders equally and not in furtherance of the personal interest or benefit of select individuals.

For more information about this case, please contact:

Lawrence Deutsch, Esq.

Robin Switzenbaum, Esq.


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